From a seated position stretch your legs out to either sides as wide as you can and slowly bend forwards and rest on your arms. You can sit on a block or bolster if the hamstrings are very tight. You can support the upper body with a bolster or simply rest your arms on the floor in front of you.
To come out of the pose you press into the floor with your hands and you slowly roll up. Use the hands to drag your legs back towards the middle and give them a gentle shake. Windshield whipers can be very good as well!
Opening of the hips
Deep stretch of the groins and inner thighs and hamstrings
Stretch of the spine when bending forwards
Compression of the stomach organs when bending forwards
Contra indications / modifications and prop use
Neck issues: Do not allow the head to drop but keep the neck neutral
Lower spine: Do not allow flexion of the spine, sit on a block or bolster to tilt the pelvis and stay as upright as possible
Knee issues / hypo mobility: Use rolled up blanket underneath the knees or keep your legs closer together
​You can do a side variation by folding your upper body over one leg as you rest the forehead onto your knee or bolster
Twisted variation: bend over one leg and twist your upper body towards the sky as you grasp the opposite foot with your other hand
Against the wall to ease forward bending
Alternative pose
Straddle against the wall or do a half version by bending one leg